The surroundings of Pitigliano

What to see

A place to discover, full of water and spa facilities: Saturnia, Sorano Terme and San Casciano Terme. Historical, architectural and cultural testimonies: the villages of Pitigliano, Sovana, Sorano, Montemerano, Manciano, Capalbio and Magliano in Tuscany. And then Mount Amiata, Lake Bolsena etc …



Sorano, the oldest of Tufo’s towns is less than 15 minutes from the b & b. The village is strikingly perched on a tuff rock at the foot of Mount Amiata. The old town is characterized by ups and downs, alleys, courtyards, arcades, outdoor stairs. But what fascinates visitors to this country is the door to the houses. Embellished by wood artists, enriched and framed by beautiful workmanship (bugnature). If you do not believe us try to go to Selvi’s. Visit the imposing fortress Aldobrandesca, the Leopoldino boulder and the Orsini fortress. Obligatory stop is the “Archaeological Park of the Tuff City” and the Cave streets, fascinating passages excavated in the tuff from the Etruscans. Do not miss the cellars dug into the tuff, which have unique features in Italy.




Sovana is only 10 minutes from my b&b. The country is part of the so-called “tuff city” and boasts the title of “one of the most beautiful villages in Italy”. Those who love history, art and nature in this delightful town will find bread for their teeth. There are many things to see in this magical village. The delightful square, with the Romanesque church of Santa Maria. The testimonies of the Etruscan period, with the necropolis and the archaeological area. The Middle Ages, with the cathedral, the Aldobrandesca fortress and the bishop’s palace. Sovana gave birth to the Pope Reformer, Ildebrando Aldobrandeschi of Soana who took the name Pope Gregory VII. In the village you can visit his home.




The hot spring that originates the Terme di Saturnia is born in the depths of a volcano no longer active, Mount Amiata. In its long underground run (about forty years), water is enriched with gases and mineral salts. Then pour into a natural crater (where the thermal spa rises) at a constant temperature of 37.5 °. The flow rate of the source (800 liters per second) preserves the beneficial properties of water and guarantees continuous replacement. Saturnia’s seabed has remarkable healing powers thanks to the presence of various elements, including the spa plankton. They are effective in treating skin problems, cardiovascular, respiratory and spinal diseases. They lower the pressure, purify the liver, help digestion and breathing. The waterfalls of the mill are one of the most fascinating places of the Maremma Tuscany, famous in the world for the extraordinary surrounding nature. The water that comes from Mount Amiata fills the natural crater where the spa is located. Then flow through a brook (the Gorello) for more than 400 mt, where a slope creates waterfalls. Over the centuries, the fallen water, dug the travertine rocks and created the striking natural pools.


Visit to the Middle Ages


The delightful medieval village of Montemerano is on the road from Manciano to Saturnia. Its location, on the top of the hill, offers a wonderful view of the Maremma hills and the surrounding countryside. The historic center is a spectacle of medieval architecture characterized by a bunch of alleys, arches and stone stairs. Castle Square is the pearl of the village with its characteristic stone houses, which remained unchanged from the Middle Ages. To see the church of San Giorgio with the “Polyptych of Sano di Pietro” and the famous “Madonna della Gattaiola”. The castle, built in 1200 by the Aldobrandeschi, passed under Basque control in 1300, and then under Orvieto. During the 1400s, the town was conquered by the Sienese who turned it into a fortified city. Montemerano on August 24, 2014 has been included in the list of the “Most Beautiful Villages of Italy”. Recognition was awarded to the country thanks to architectural beauties, livability, and historical-artistic peculiarities.


A beautiful landscape


Bolsena is a pretty medieval village in the province of Viterbo in Lazio, on the eastern shore of the same lake. The village is situated on a hill, at the foot of the Volsini Mountains, in a panoramic position on the northeast side of the volcanic basin. The town, rich in history and folklore, has over time become an important tourist destination, visited in all seasons. Unspoilt nature, tranquility, healthy air and mild climate have pushed – from antiquity – to live in these areas. The inhabitants of this country are friendly and hospitable, strongly linked to agriculture and above all to fishing. The crystalline waters of the beautiful lake – whitewashed – have accredited it as one of the cleanest in Europe. The center has a well organized marina, where a famous sailing school is also located.


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